Applied Symbolic Computation Laboratory (ASYM)

What We Do

Conducting research around computer algebra, symbolic computation, program generation/verification and quantum computing

Stock photo; computer hardware and fiber-optics

The Applied Symbolic Computation Laboratory (ASYM) at Drexel’s College of Computing & Informatics conducts research around computer algebra, symbolic computation, program generation and verification and quantum computing within projects funded by DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense), the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy and Intel. ASYM is a founding member of the SPIRAL project.

Research Faculty & PhD Students

Recent Publications

  • Brinich P., et al. (2024). “Twiddle Factor Generation for a Vectorized Number Theoretic Transform.” Proc. HPEC. 2024. Outstanding Short Paper Award. Link to full paper
  • Earth, Steve & Johnson, Jeremy & Char, Bruce. (2023). "Proof Buddy: A Tool to Aid Students in Proof Construction." SIGCSE 2023: Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. V. 2, March 2023, pp 1259-1259. 10.1145/3545947.3573228. Link to abstract
  • Brinich, Patrick & Johnson, Jeremy. (2022). "Verification of Vectorization of Signal Transforms." Proc. POPL, CoqPL.10.1007/978-3-030-95953-1_15. Link to abstract
  • Harrison, Gavin & Johnson, Jeremy & Saunders, David. (2021). "Probabilistic analysis of block Wiedemann for leading invariant factors." Journal of Symbolic Computation. Vol. 108, Jan.-Feb. 2022. 10.1016/j.jsc.2021.06.005. Link to full paper
  • Franchetti, Franz & Low, Tze & Popovici, Doru Thom & Veras, Richard & Spampinato, Daniele & Johnson, Jeremy & Puschel, Markus & Hoe, James & Moura, Jose. (2018). "SPIRAL: Extreme Performance Portability." Proceedings of the IEEE special issue on From High Level Specification to High Performance Code. 106. 1935-1968. 10.1109/JPROC.2018.2873289. Link to full paper
  • Mainland, Geoffrey & Johnson, Jeremy. (2017). "A Haskell compiler for signal transforms." ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 52. 219-232. 10.1145/3170492.3136056. Link to full paper

Recent Grant Awards

  • TREBUCHET: Homomorphic Encryption using SPIRAL, DARPA (PI David Cousins) via CMU (PI Franz Franchetti). Drexel PI (Jeremy Johnson), $157,590, 2021-2022. Selected for phase 2.
  • HACMS (High Assurance Cyber Military Systems): “High Assurance Spiral: Scalable and Performance Portable Domain-Specific Control System Synthesis”, PI Franz Franchetti (CMU), awarded by DARPA BAA 12-21, 2012-2017.
  • NSF CCF- 1016728: AF: Small: Collaborative Research: High Performance Exact Linear Algebra Kernels, in collaboration with University of Delaware and Morehouse College, 2010-2013.

Learn more about ASYM's SPIRAL Project